Friday, August 17, 2007

Welcome to Cross Advice!

Welcome to Cross Advice, Simon Burney's blog devoted to the sport of cyclocross and his book, Cyclocross Training and Technique, 3rd Ed.

Simon's book is available now at and will be available in early September at North American bookstores and bike shops and in early October in U.K. bookstores and bike shops.


gwadzilla said...

Cross is HOT right now

your book should sell well!

Anonymous said...

Got the book, one for me one for a friend that got me hooked on cross.
Thanks for the blog, looking forward to see more info on this great sport. And if you are coming to Portland for the USGP try to get somebody here to organize a presentation, I know Powell book store does that sometime, it will be cool to do some Q&A with the expert.

Simon said...

Thanks Paolo, I'll ask my friend in Portland to see if Powell book store would be up for doing something. See you there?